by Rosie
I came home with five other chicks.
Poppy is the smartest of all of us. Once she squeezed through our cage three times! because she wanted to be out so much.

Baby Poppy
Zinnia is one of the smallest and likes to creep up on the white furry thing with long whiskers.
Baby Zinnia
Pepper is my FAVORITE snuggle buddy. Everybody doesn't like her, but I LOVE her.
Baby Pepper
Petunia is the prettiest, but she isn't a show off.
Baby Petunia
Pansy is June's favorite because she has a face like a flower.

Baby Pansy
When we came home, there were two Rhode Island Red chicks. Sugar, the oldest of the two, is a little bit bossy but is very sweet and is a GREAT big sister. (And she has a really deep voice.) Fern and Blossom call her Ding because when she was little she had a big dingleberry and every time she pooped it got a little bigger.
Baby Ding
Maple looks just like a little red hen and loves to get out in deep grass.